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Null Code 5: 08817 - EDISON, NJ

This is the particular page of ZIP Code 08817, including basic information of ZIP Lawmaking 08817, Full 9-digit Zilch Lawmaking list, Nearby ZIP Code, Demographic, Geographic and etc.

ZIP stands for "Zoning Improvement Programme". In virtually cases a Nil Code is a geographic region with a centre point.

  • Nada Code 5 Plus iv
  • Envelope Example
  • Basic Pregnant
  • Online Map
  • NearBy Cipher Code
  • University
  • Library
  • Schoolhouse
  • Geography
  • Demography
  • Mobility
  • Teaching
  • Household & Family
  • Employment
  • Income
  • Insurance & Benefit
  • Property & Debt
  • Real Manor
  • Business

08817 Basic Information

The basic data of ZIP Code 08817 is as follows, including: country, county, city, FIPS and etc.

What is the plus iv zip code for 08817 ZIP Code? Below is the detail.

08817 Nothing+iv Code List

What are the 4 digit zip extensions of 08817 ZIP Code. Here's the listing of nine-digit zip code for 08817 ZIP Code.Click to find more information, including item address, record type, range etc.

ZIP Code 5 Plus iv Address
08817-1700 2 (From 2 To 36 Even) TALMADGE RD , EDISON, NJ
08817-1900 520 (From 520 To 524 ) WATERFORD DR , EDISON, NJ
08817-1900 520 (From 520 To 524 ) WATERFORD DR , EDISON, NJ
08817-1900 530 (From 530 To 534 ) WATERFORD DR , EDISON, NJ
08817-1901 515 (From 515 To 519 ) WATERFORD DR , EDISON, NJ
08817-1901 535 (From 535 To 599 ) WATERFORD DR , EDISON, NJ
08817-1901 535 (From 535 To 599 ) WATERFORD DR , EDISON, NJ
08817-1902 620 (From 620 To 624 ) WATERFORD DR , EDISON, NJ
08817-1902 630 (From 630 To 634 ) WATERFORD DR , EDISON, NJ
08817-1902 620 (From 620 To 624 ) WATERFORD DR , EDISON, NJ

If you tin can't notice the 08817 plus 4 zip lawmaking you demand on this folio, we recommend y'all to use the the feature of Quick Select.

08817 Envelope Instance

  • This is an instance of U.S envelope. Fill in the sender's information at the elevation left and the recipient information at the bottom right. The necessary data is sender/recipient's full proper name, street address, city, state and zip code. The recipient address information has been given for your reference. Mostly, If you are not sure of the full 9-digit zip lawmaking, you can only make full in the 5-digit zip code to avoid loss of package.

    ZIP Code: 08817

08817 Basic Pregnant

  • What does each digit of Cipher Code 08817 stands for? The commencement digit designates a national area, which ranges from aught for the Northeast to ix for the far West. The 3-4 digits are the code of a sectional center facility in that region. The last two digits designate minor post offices or postal zones.

    ZIP Code: 08817

08817 Online Map

This is online map of the address EDISON, Middlesex County, New Bailiwick of jersey. You may use button to move and zoom in / out. The map information is for reference merely.

08817 NearBy ZIP Code

What are the zipcodes well-nigh ZIP Code 08817? In the tabular array below, you can find zipcodes in 25km radius around ZIP Lawmaking 08817 and the approximate distance between the two zipcodes. Cheque the list to find nearby zipcode, and y'all tin can click the zipcode link to detect the details whatever you want to know about the location. The data below has a slight departure for your reference but.

Number ZIP Code Distance
1 08818 254.3635 Meters
2 08899 537.4672 Meters
3 08855 1.6536 Kilo Meters
four 08989 ane.7161 Kilo Meters
5 08904 3.1308 Kilo Meters
6 08837 3.6207 Kilo Meters
7 08903 iv.2804 Kilo Meters
8 08840 4.4831 Kilo Meters
9 08933 5.2714 Kilo Meters
10 08901 5.2930 Kilo Meters
eleven 08906 five.3778 Kilo Meters
12 08875 6.7101 Kilo Meters
xiii 08854 6.8039 Kilo Meters
14 08863 vii.1641 Kilo Meters
15 08872 vii.1716 Kilo Meters
sixteen 08820 vii.2526 Kilo Meters
17 07080 7.4753 Kilo Meters
18 08832 vii.8853 Kilo Meters
xix 08882 7.8941 Kilo Meters
20 08850 eight.0508 Kilo Meters
21 08871 8.1477 Kilo Meters
22 08830 9.3386 Kilo Meters
23 08859 9.3389 Kilo Meters
24 08816 ix.5123 Kilo Meters
25 08861 10.1000 Kilo Meters
26 07095 10.3501 Kilo Meters
27 08862 10.6758 Kilo Meters
28 08873 10.8104 Kilo Meters
29 08902 x.9687 Kilo Meters
xxx 08846 xi.0244 Kilo Meters
31 07067 eleven.0984 Kilo Meters
32 07061 11.2951 Kilo Meters
33 08879 xi.5836 Kilo Meters
34 07063 11.6421 Kilo Meters
35 07077 11.7636 Kilo Meters
36 07076 11.8312 Kilo Meters
37 08812 eleven.9526 Kilo Meters
38 08880 12.1980 Kilo Meters
39 07001 12.2552 Kilo Meters
40 07064 13.0185 Kilo Meters
41 07062 thirteen.0979 Kilo Meters
42 10307 13.1700 Kilo Meters
43 07060 13.4622 Kilo Meters
44 08805 13.6090 Kilo Meters
45 07066 14.0201 Kilo Meters
46 08884 14.0218 Kilo Meters
47 08857 14.0643 Kilo Meters
48 07023 14.1603 Kilo Meters
49 07065 fourteen.3356 Kilo Meters
50 07069 14.4247 Kilo Meters
51 08823 fourteen.9052 Kilo Meters
52 07090 15.2510 Kilo Meters
53 08828 15.3598 Kilo Meters
54 10309 fifteen.5045 Kilo Meters
55 08890 fifteen.6131 Kilo Meters
56 07008 15.7069 Kilo Meters
57 07059 16.1371 Kilo Meters
58 07027 16.4545 Kilo Meters
59 07747 16.5902 Kilo Meters
60 08836 16.8036 Kilo Meters
61 08824 xvi.8709 Kilo Meters
62 08835 16.8715 Kilo Meters
63 07721 16.9473 Kilo Meters
64 07016 17.3388 Kilo Meters
65 07036 17.8855 Kilo Meters
66 07092 eighteen.1543 Kilo Meters
67 08810 18.4248 Kilo Meters
68 08852 18.4568 Kilo Meters
69 07735 18.4591 Kilo Meters
70 07922 18.5679 Kilo Meters
71 10312 18.5692 Kilo Meters
72 08831 18.7396 Kilo Meters
73 07203 18.9295 Kilo Meters
74 07204 xix.6742 Kilo Meters
75 07091 nineteen.9748 Kilo Meters
76 07033 20.1132 Kilo Meters
77 08844 twenty.1269 Kilo Meters
78 07980 xx.3712 Kilo Meters
79 08502 twenty.6634 Kilo Meters
80 07974 20.7061 Kilo Meters
81 10311 20.7450 Kilo Meters
82 08807 xx.8866 Kilo Meters
83 07751 21.0056 Kilo Meters
84 07730 21.1106 Kilo Meters
85 10308 21.1757 Kilo Meters
86 08869 21.5316 Kilo Meters
87 07946 21.5732 Kilo Meters
88 07081 21.5981 Kilo Meters
89 07202 21.7178 Kilo Meters
ninety 07765 22.1551 Kilo Meters
91 07902 22.3500 Kilo Meters
92 07083 22.4109 Kilo Meters
93 07901 22.4405 Kilo Meters
94 07933 22.5919 Kilo Meters
95 08876 22.6394 Kilo Meters
96 07938 22.7386 Kilo Meters
97 07207 22.8646 Kilo Meters
98 07208 22.8780 Kilo Meters
99 10314 22.9463 Kilo Meters
100 07206 23.3340 Kilo Meters
101 07939 23.4237 Kilo Meters
102 10303 23.4424 Kilo Meters
103 07733 23.7295 Kilo Meters
104 10306 23.9429 Kilo Meters
105 08553 24.0448 Kilo Meters
106 08528 24.1383 Kilo Meters
107 07920 24.1542 Kilo Meters
108 07928 24.3262 Kilo Meters
109 07734 24.3534 Kilo Meters
110 07205 24.4243 Kilo Meters
111 07088 24.4684 Kilo Meters
112 07746 24.4920 Kilo Meters
113 07041 24.6690 Kilo Meters
114 07201 24.6824 Kilo Meters
115 08821 24.8019 Kilo Meters
116 07978 24.9091 Kilo Meters

Library in Nix Code 08817

This is the Nothing Lawmaking 08817 - Library page list. Its detail Library Proper name, Address, Metropolis, State, Cipher Code, Phone is every bit beneath.

School in ZIP Code 08817

This is the Cypher Code 08817 - School page listing. Its detail School Name, Accost, City, Country, ZIP Code is as beneath.


Null Code 08817 is located in EDISON City, MIDDLESEX County, New Jersey. Its land area is approximately 10.734 foursquare miles, which is larger than the average country area of New Bailiwick of jersey.

  • ·Latitude:forty.519247
  • ·Longitude:-74.396829
  • ·Elevation:109
  • ·Land Surface area:10.734
  • ·Water Expanse:0.xviii
  • ·Time Zone:Eastern (GMT -05:00)
  • ·Region:Northeast
  • ·Division:Middle Atlantic


Nada Code 08817 currently has an estimated population of 45,204, which is a increase compared with the 2010 census data. The proportion of men and women in ZIP Code 08817 is counterbalanced, Most people are White between 25~34 years old.

  • ·Current Population:45,204
  • ·2010 Demography:44,621
  • ·Population Density:iv,211.29
    • Current Population:45204
    • 2010 Demography:44621
    • Male person:22988
    • Female:22216
    • White:19010
    • Black or African American:4610
    • American Indian And Alaska Native:167
    • Asian:16926
    • Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander:0
    • Another Race:2667
<v three,129
five~9 3,461
10~14 2,622
15~19 2,069
20~24 ane,824
25~34 7,518
35~44 vii,169
45~54 6,225
55~59 2,836
threescore~64 2,817
65~74 iii,204
75~84 1,580
>85 750


Most people in Zip Lawmaking 08817 are native, they were built-in and grew upwardly in the Usa, and well-nigh people lived here for more than than a twelvemonth.For those who were born outside the United State, 9998 people were not U.S. citizens.

      • Population 1 yr and Over:44542
      • Less than 1 twelvemonth:662
      • Native:26573
      • Strange Built-in:18631
      • Naturalized U.S. Denizen:8633
      • Non a U.S. Citizen:9998


    According to statistics, about children over 3 years are in Elementary Schoolhouse.

    Amongst those over the age of 25, 92.7% accept a high school educational activity level or college, while those with a bachelor degree or higher up business relationship for 48.1%.

      Nursery School or Preschool 942
      Kindergarten 794
      Elementary School 4,676
      High School 1,762
      College or Graduate Schoolhouse 2,890
      9th Class 929 9th-12th Grade 1,412 Loftier Schoolhouse 7,471 Higher Degree iv,799 Acquaintance Degree 2,046 Bachelor or Higher 9,134 Professional or College half dozen,308

      Household & Family

      A household consists of all the people who occupy a housing unit. Co-ordinate to the relationship between householder and other people living in the house, it is divided into family household and nonfamily household. In Zero Code 08817, most of them are family household, and married couple family accounted for the vast majority.

          • Not-family unit Household:3922
          • Family Household:11642
          • Householder:15564
          • Spouse:9167
          • Single Partner:530
          • Other Relatives:3987
          • Non-relatives:999
        Never Married Now Married Separated Widowed Divorced
        male half dozen,041 ten,528 237 367 1,063
        female 4,088 x,302 266 1,392 1,708


        ZIP Lawmaking 08817 has a relatively high proportion of labor forcefulness. The employment situation is not good, with an unemployment rate of 5.half dozen%,which is higher than that of New Bailiwick of jersey. Most people commute to work past self-driving. The average commute time is 34.7 minutes.

        In zip code 08817, people are engaged in a variety of occupations, distributed in all kinds of industry. Much more people are engaged in Direction among all occupation, and nigh workers are private wage and bacon workers.

            • In Labor Force:24267
            • Not In Labor Force:11443
            • Employed:22873
            • Unemployed:1347
          Cocky-driving 16,085
          Carpooled 2,199
          Public Transportation ii,418
          Walked 414
          Other Means 309
          Management eleven,372
          Service two,881
          Sales four,487
          Construction i,346
          Transportation ii,787


          Agriculture Forestry Fishing And Hunting Mining 55
          Construction 914
          Manufacturing 1956
          Wholesale Merchandise 766
          Retail Trade 2384
          Transportation Warehousing Utilities 1542
          Information 580
          Finance And Insurance Existent Estate And Rental And Leasing 2106
          Professional Scientific Management Administrative 4597
          Educational Services Health Care Social Assistance 4898
          Arts Amusement Recreation Accommodation Food Services 1479
          Other Services Except Public Assistants 929
          Public Administration 667


          In all income ranges, near households are betwixt $100,000~$149,999, and there are 3080 households in total. The average income of households, families and non-family is $108619, $117895, $77217, and the median income is $93571, $104366, $53910.

          The median earning for workers is $50444, of which the median earning for year-round worker of male person and female are $74124 and $53900 respectively. It indicates that the income of men and women in the region is not balanced. The per capita income is $38457. And iv.vii% of families and vi.2% of the population are beneath the poverty line, which is much lower than the whole New Jersey.

          • ·Median Earnings For Male Full-time Twelvemonth-round Workers:74,124
          • ·Median Earnings For Female person Full-time Twelvemonth-round Workers:53,900
          • ·Per Capita Income:38,457
          • ·Median Earnings For Workers:fifty,444
          <10,000 ten,000 ~ 14,999 15,000 ~ 24,999 25,000 ~ 34,999 35,000 ~ 49,999 50,000 ~ 74,999 75,000 ~ 99,999 100,000 ~ 149,999 150,000 ~ 199,999 >200,000
          household income 441 292 578 850 1,863 two,199 2,181 3,695 1,584 1,881
          family unit income 225 161 257 540 1,127 1,411 1,665 3,080 1,498 1,678
          Household Income Family unit Income Non-family unit Income
          Median Income 93,571 104,366 53,910
          Mean Income 108,619 117,895 77,217

          Insurance & Do good

          The coverage charge per unit of health insurance is relatively high, and the number of people with wellness insurance accounts for 94.two%.

              • With Health Insurance:42294
              • No Health Insurance:2619
              • Private Insurance:35251
              • Public Insurance:10886

            Property & Debt

            The value of the houses is mostly between $300000~ $499999, and most houses are mortgaged. For those with mortgages, the monthly costs are much higher than those without mortgages. If you lot need to rent a house, the rental costs near probable is between $1500~$1999, which may account for near of your income.

              <$50000 331
              $50000~ $99999 128
              $100000~ $149999 222
              $150000~ $199999 397
              $200000~ $299999 ii,561
              $300000~ $499999 four,228
              $500000~ $999999 687
              >$1000000 54
                • Housing Units with a Mortgage:5483
                • Housing Units without a Mortgage:3125
              <$500 27
              $500~$999 70
              $thou~$1499 643
              $1500~$1999 1,214
              $2000~$2499 1,582
              $2500~$2999 904
              >$3000 1,043
              <$250 67
              $250~$399 sixty
              $400~$599 56
              $600~$799 493
              $800~$999 1,140
              >$1000 1,309
              <$500 73 $500~$999 295 $1000~$1499 2,368 $1500~$1999 ii,891 $2000~$2499 959 $2500~$2999 138 >$3000 32

              Existent Estate

              At that place are 16353 housing units in ZIP Code 08817, including 15564 occupied housing units and 789 vacant housing units. Most of them were constructed from 1950-1959, and the main heating fuel of the business firm is utility gas.

                  • Occupied Housing Units:15564
                  • Vacant Housing Units:789
                ane unit detached 7,924
                1 unit attached one,039
                2 units 865
                3 or iv units 616
                5 to ix units 1,709
                10 to 19 units ii,654
                twenty or more units i,288
                1 room 154 ii rooms 580 3 rooms 1,852 4 rooms 3,808 5 rooms 3,063 6 rooms 2,563 7 rooms i,881 eight rooms 1,216 ix rooms or more than one,236
                2014 or later 193
                2010-2013 64
                2000-2009 422
                1990-1999 1,532
                1980-1989 iii,115
                1970-1979 ii,183
                1960-1969 3,104
                1950-1959 three,976
                1940-1949 707
                1939 or earlier 1,057
                  • Utility Gas:13259
                  • Bottled Tank Or Lp Gas:276
                  • Electricity:1138
                  • Fuel Oil Kerosene Etc:736
                  • Coal Or Coke:0
                  • Wood:0
                  • Solar Energy:0
                  • Other Fuel:76
                  • No Fuel Used:79


                In ZIP Code 08817, there are i,412 businesses, and 28,039 employees. The business concern first quarter payroll and annual payroll were $388,494 and $1,576,399 respectively.

                • ·Number of Business organisation:i,412
                • ·Number of Employees:28,039
                • ·Business Start Quarter Payroll:388,494
                • ·Business concern Almanac Payroll:1,576,399

                More Information

                Nix Lawmaking 5: 08817 - EDISON